Saturday, November 5, 2011

Challenge #8 Stickers, Sticker Letters\Alphabet Stickers

We are 8 weeks in!  How are you holding up?  Oh Boy!!! Do I have stickers! Do I use them.....uhhhh no. Why not? I guess that I have for the most part grown out of them. I don't really know why.  I guess my style has just changed.  Okay...I feel a personal challenge coming on....I challenge you to do one layout, your subject choice, and use one\some stickers that you already have.  Meanwhile, gather your stickers\alphabet stickers\design lines etc and find a home for them.  I still use the Creative Memory Sticker binder. (okay...I have 5 of bad)  I keep my sticker letters in a zipper file by color (a container that I used to have when I was a consultant. ) How are you going to organize your stickers\letters? 

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