Saturday, October 29, 2011

Challenge #7 Inks, Stamps, Markers and Colored Pencils

Well, well, well....How many of you are still with us?  I know Julie J is and I know that Kris is working on moving her scrapping space to a new area in the basement. (I totally feel your pain!)  This week we are working on organizing our Inks, Stamps, Markers and Colored Pencils!  I have my rubber stamps organized in a wheeled cart that I can just pull around to me. I have more stamps than some people and I AM SURE that I have less than others. LOL   My Stampin Up inks used to be in an awesome little unit that hung on the wall that had a space for the matching colored marker to go beside it.Well, since I have moved downstairs...I have to find them a new home since I don't want to put much more on my walls.  My Tim Holtz and Adirondak inks are in one of my little white cubes.  My cat eye inks travel with me in my work tote. I have them in a little plastic container that snaps shut.  I don't have any colored there you have it.  My goal this week is to get my markers and ink pads down to the new scrapping area.  Let me hear from you!  How is it going?


  1. Yes, I'm still working on getting organized! I think the next challenge will be getting the other cabinet in the basement tomorrow. I'm having some issues with the cabinets though because I think they smell musty. Jim thinks it the glue that he used to repair the cabinets. Any ideas for getting rid of the smell? I only smell it when I open a drawer or door. I hope I can get this problem solved soon, so I can get this job finished.

  2. I didn't forget ladies - just a bit behind this week - work is insane!!!

    Kris, my Mom always told me to crumple up newspapers to absorb odors. I got a really cool used leather bag - reaked of ciggy smoke - took several tries, but the newspaper absorbed the odors. May that would help in the small drawers - and wash them out with baking soda solution and boxes of baking soda just sitting in the cupboards will hopefully help too.

  3. Or maybe put a dryer sheet in each drawer. Might not soak up the smell but it might help disguise it.
