Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Gratitude Post

Here is last Friday's post. You have no idea how many times I have tried to get a picture of a rainbow!  Either I didn't have my camera, or I had to go and get it and by the time I got back it had faded. This was perfect and another check on my "bucket list".  Sorry about the late post as I was going out of town and didn't get a chance to get it up. is this weeks post! I had a wonderful time and all of the ladies were so kind and generous at this crop. Especially the store's owner, Jo  She is so full of enthusiasm and has a wonderful nack for teaching.  I picked up many new techniques that I can't wait to try again on my own. Did I mention that I just love making new friends? Thanks Tami for a great weekend and it was sooo....good to see you again!

1 comment:

  1. The rainbow is so perfect. Days like that make you feel happy to be part of the humman race..
