Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Good Bye Book of Me ...Hello Heritage Club

In September it will be time to get back into the routine of things and finally make some time for my favorite hobby of scrapbooking!  The last two years I have focused on what I called the Book of Me Club.  A group of us met the first Wednesday of the month at an appointed house.  The hostess for the night chose a pre-determined the topic for the night. I have many pages done and ones that I would not normally taken the time to scrap about me.  I am loving it but I was to a point that I was ready for a change.

 I now feel comfortable with where I am at with my life story and things about me that I wished to scrap.  Since my maternal grandmother passed away in March of 2010 I have had a growing curiosity about my heritage.  So...I mentioned this to our group.  Four out of six of us were ready to make the switch to Heritage for our monthly club.  I love having company on my journey.

My next dilemma is how am I going to organize this...Start with me, do I add my kids and husband or just go back from me? Hmmmm..... going to have to think about this one. Do I do two books, one for my paternal side and another for my maternal side?  Or do I split one book or try to combine them all?  So many decisions....I will let you know what I decide...lol...till then... 

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