Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's Almost Done!!!

Mom!! What did you do to my room?  LOL...My oldest son Mason went off to college at this time last year.  Over the summer he moved out of the dorms and into an apartment in Iowa Falls.  He needed a bed and I offered to buy him one for his apartment if he would leave his here so that he would have a place to "lay his little head" when he came for a visit.  No!! nothing would do but "his bed".  He took nearly everything out of his room.  I had left this room untouched from May to August "just in case  lol..."  I couldn't stand it anymore so I cleaned it up. The wheels started to turn. I asked him again if he planned on coming back home to stay at any point and he assured me that he would not and that if he did he would sleep on the pull out couch.!!

 SCORE!!!  One scrapbook room.  He said "Mom, you are trying to replace" to which I replied "No, Mason, I just couldn't stand having you gone so I put my scrap book room in there so that I could be more near you."  He roared...Yeah, right mom!  However, I did assure him that he was always welcome here and that if he ever wanted or needed to move back home that I would move back to my old scrapbook room. (much smaller)  lol

That being said...I love the extra room.  Greg calls it my "woman cave" hehehe...I could fall in up here and never come out!  I did have quite a few of the Jetmax cubes to start out with but each week I would use my Michael's coupon and my Hobby Lobby 40% coupons to invest in another cube until I had enough. (or ran out of space  LOL).  I still have a few things stashed that I need to find homes for and a word art piece that I want to put on the wall. Now I better get to work and use some of this "stuff" and get scrapping.

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